In Cobb County, some of the trees were no match for Mother Nature. A tree more than 100-feet tall came crashing down on top of a home on Chimney Springs Drive.

Dr. Brad Schmidt lives in the East Cobb neighborhood.

"The winds were whipping in, it got black it got cold, it got gray, winds were whipping up, limbs were hitting the roof," said Dr. Schmidt.


He knew some of the tall trees would not be able to hold up alongside the powerful wind. Once the storm passed, he untrue out about one home that had significant damage.

"We've had so much rain and so much liquids, these oak trees don't have a lot of root base," said Dr. Schmidt.

"It's a 100-year-old tree, well over 120 feet, the diameter, maybe 42 inches, it's a massive tree," said Kyle Rowe who is a claims specialist and is functioning with the homeowner.

Rowe says the entire people was home at the time. The youngest son was in his room on the top floor.

"The oldest son was behaviors piano lessons, the youngest was upstairs playing, just living their life and all of a sudden shatter. Luckily, their 6-year-old son had finally made it out of the room colorful before the tree hit," said Rowe.

Rowe says it's progressing to take a while to repair the damage.

"Pretty much the entire top half of this house is progressing to have to be rebuilt. It's going to be a long procedure for them, four to six months at least," said Rowe.

Rowe says in the morning a crane will be caused in to remove the tree.